Saturday, May 4, 2024

May 4 (Sat) – Update

/Checks notes./

update-hand-holding-sign.pngYesterday I planned on mowing, then lunch, then Vander Veer, then sewing canvas. Kyle didn’t stop by.


How yesterday turned out was: Vander Veer for a looong walk, then lunch, then weed-wack at Kevin’s, then chat with Kevin, then mow at Kevin’s.


Vander Veer was a pleasure as always. We met a human with TWO goldens. They’re just over a year old and both almost as photogenic as Willow. I crossed paths two painters on their way to somewhere in the park, towing their painting stuff behind them. One painter remarked that she thought all terriers were barkers. My terriers were silent the entire time, content to gaze into the distance this way and that. I think they set a fine example of what a little basic training can do. We chatted while Willow padded back and forth amongst the three of us, a gentle head bump in exchange for more pets at every turn.


Our discussion somehow ended up at Barbara Stanwyck. I learned she was in a movie with Cary Grant, something about New York and New York slang. News sto me, I’ll have to check into it.


Enough update. Today was coffee which I left at 10:30 to scoot home as Kim and Ellen were planning on going to a bunch of yard sales scattered around the Gold Coast neighborhood (older, distinctive homes) at around that time. When I scooted in the door I found out that Kim had cancelled. I made an English muffin and sat down on the couch. BAM. Things kinda went sideways. I was going to check a few items off my todo list and maybe other things but I ended up darkening the bedroom and falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


As I write this its around an hour after my super-nap. I still feel… exhausted I guess. I could try to break out the canvas and work on that but with each passing minute I’m pretty sure it can, and should, wait until tomorrow. I don’t know what happened (or is happening) but I’m rolling with it instead of trying to be some kind of hero.


Tomorrow I plan on canvas repair and installation, repair a few extension cords, and Vander Veer. Anything else is gravy. Cheers.

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